Headshot Photography

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By EJ Manon

Schedule an appointment with EJ Manon for your next headshot photography session. EJ has 4+ years of professional experience as a portrait photographer. This package is perfect for professional portraits for artists, realtors, models, entrepreneurs and more.

Package Includes:

1 Location**

45 Minute Session

Up to 5 People

18 Digital Photos

Selection From Proofs

Basic Retouching (upon request)

Price: $185*

Estimated Delivery Date: Receive Digital Content 2-4 weeks after Appointment Date

*50% nonrefundable deposit due upon booking.

**Location and wardrobe must be provided by the Client. Locations with little or no fees can be recommended upon booking if needed.

**Additional travel fees may apply


By EJ Manon

Schedule an appointment with EJ Manon for your next headshot photography session. EJ has 4+ years of professional experience as a portrait photographer. This package is perfect for professional portraits for artists, realtors, models, entrepreneurs and more.

Package Includes:

1 Location**

45 Minute Session

Up to 5 People

18 Digital Photos

Selection From Proofs

Basic Retouching (upon request)

Price: $185*

Estimated Delivery Date: Receive Digital Content 2-4 weeks after Appointment Date

*50% nonrefundable deposit due upon booking.

**Location and wardrobe must be provided by the Client. Locations with little or no fees can be recommended upon booking if needed.

**Additional travel fees may apply

By EJ Manon

Schedule an appointment with EJ Manon for your next headshot photography session. EJ has 4+ years of professional experience as a portrait photographer. This package is perfect for professional portraits for artists, realtors, models, entrepreneurs and more.

Package Includes:

1 Location**

45 Minute Session

Up to 5 People

18 Digital Photos

Selection From Proofs

Basic Retouching (upon request)

Price: $185*

Estimated Delivery Date: Receive Digital Content 2-4 weeks after Appointment Date

*50% nonrefundable deposit due upon booking.

**Location and wardrobe must be provided by the Client. Locations with little or no fees can be recommended upon booking if needed.

**Additional travel fees may apply

CREDITS: (Image 1) Modeling by Brittnee Campanella (Image 2) Modeling by Gillian Ficarra (Image 3) Modeling by Brittnee Campanella(Image 4) Modeling by Cynthia Huyn Hauth (Image 5) Modeling by Candido Torres (Image 6) Modeing by Maddie (Image 7) Modeling by Zujey Vega

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