Toast To Our Differences - First Listen Album Review
By Kiara Ramirez
Rudimental - Toast To Our Differences cover art
The first time I heard Rudimental in 2014, I was so blown away I immediately bought their digital album while still in the arena parking lot. I was lucky enough to see them as the opening band for Ed Sheeran which led to a memorable impression. Rudimental has a unique sound and while seeing them perform live, their talent truly shines through.
“Toast To Our Differences” is a 16-track album with a runtime of an hour. Their desire to collaborate with other musicians means that every track has a featured artist. Listening to the album all at once reminded me of being home alone with loud music playing. It has its own aura which can only be understood by listening to “Toast To Our Differences.”
The track “Let Me Live” gave me major beach vibes. I can imagine having this song on a road trip playlist, letting it guide me wherever I may go.
“Last Time” encourages everyone to “forget it all tonight and lay our differences down.”
”No Pain” is the track that grabbed my attention the most. “Everybody choosin' desires over beauty. Evil is blooming and money's where it's rooted” really struck me as an honest observation.
“Toast To Our Differences” is not Rudimental's best album in my opinion, but it is definitely worth listening to as it is different from their previous albums. I recommend hearing with headphones because they really do have subtle nuances in their tracks that make all the difference for the musically inclined.