Hidden Gem: Interview with AZ Hip Hop Artist Miles Green
The most beautiful thing about being in 2019 is the ability for artists to create high quality content from pretty much anywhere. Throughout history, creating content has always been exclusive to the privileged and high class because of the necessary funds needed, but now we see people from all areas and all incomes creating beautiful art because the accessibility to creating has grown tenfold.
Miles Green - Photo by Heather
While many have the ability to create, it is always refreshing to encounter artists who create memorable content unique from what they observe from the people around them. Miles Green, born Miles Serb, was born in Detroit, now residing in Tempe Az. He is undoubtedly a hidden gem in the local Arizona music scene. Upon immediately listening to his tracks, I immediately felt the need to share the resonating sound of Miles Green with music fanatics.
This interview has been edited for clarity
When did you first decide you would like to pursue music professionally?
I first began producing music in early 2014, but the summer of 2017 exploded my experience with beat making. During this time I crafted over 100 songs, and saw progress. During this summer, I saw some of my favorite artists live. This humanized the idols I looked up to. From that point i've been pursuing music professionally working on elements of my craft beyond my production in hopes to create a unique but relevant sound. I began the transition into a full fledged artist in late 2017 to early 2018 by fully producing, writing, and conceptualizing my music.
How would you describe your sound?
I would say my sound is more modern hip-hop based upon my production techniques. Though I believe I thrive with more grime and upbeat based songs. I would say I really discovered my sound in the summer of 2017 when working on songs of all different moods. That time allowed me to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses. I feel as though it has become easier to identify those aspects of my creativity and become familiar with those areas. I am always striving to perfect my sound.
Can you tell us more about “Kick It,” your newest track?
By creating “Kick It,” I experimented with different production techniques and arrangements that I have heard before that make a song more appealing. The song had three different concepts and two different revisions before landing on the final form you can hear on all platforms. The song has more structure and focus on aligning all aspects of the song in comparison to my past releases. I also made certain sounds for the song by hand that I felt at the time would be a risk, but most people ended up enjoying and commenting on how they were some of their favorite sounds in the whole song. The production also goes into the vocal layout as I rewrote the song three times until I made my final version which does effect the beat in some areas.
What is your favorite part of being a musician? Why do you gravitate toward music as a medium?
My favorite part of being a musician is that I get to create and experiment with something that honestly draws me in naturally. Music, unlike many past interests in my life, makes me strive to be better. I've found myself sitting at my desk working for hours on music with no problem. I once worked on a song from 8AM to 9PM with only eating one banana and having one bathroom break simply because I felt like working on my craft. Not many other interests have given me that same drive. It also serves as a means of expression to get emotions from my mind on something that can be felt and heard at any given moment making it therapeutic for me.
“Stripes” by Miles Green - Cover Art
Who/What are some of your biggest inspiration when creating?
My biggest inspirations when producing music would be Tyler The Creator and Pharrel Williams. Both artists make music freely with no worry of judgment or lack of success. They go in their studios with confidence, a work ethic, and create great original music.
My greatest inspirations when writing music would be Kendrick Lamar and MF DOOM. Both of them have lyricism that is unrivaled. MF DOOM can have such strong wordplay that after reading his lyrics I want to pass out from pure amazement. Kendrick Lamar's control of his voice, flow, lyricism, and delivery is, in my opinion, leading the modern hip-hop scene as it is unique and obviously fine-crafted. All the mentioned individuals have worked on their craft and become widely successful in all areas of hip-hop, and they really inspire me.
Do you use the same method to create your songs, or does it vary depending on the song?
It varies in songs. I always begin with an idea or mood I want for a song then begin structuring my melodies and etc. Though sometimes I will start with different aspects such as drums, a sample, or concept. Though I know the moment I want to make a beat into a full fledged song. I don't release everything I make, but I know what I want to release.
Out of all your songs, is there a track that speaks out to you most? If so, which one and why? Of the songs I have released, I would say “Stripes” speaks to me most at the moment. Stripes focuses on embracing what makes you different, and delves into understanding the importance of being different. The beat in “Stripes” is one of my favorite as it has a grimy bass that grinds throughout the track accompanied with drums that knock the whole track.
What are common messages that reoccur in your music?
Common themes that appear in my music are struggles with poverty, urban areas such as cities or neighborhoods, African American culture/history, and rebellion against a systematic injustice.
“Stripes” deals with being different against social norms. “Kick It” deals with the urge to be free and what that costs at some points. “F.U.T.W.” deals with personal moments in my life that I felt less than confident, and how I persevere as a dominant force. “Elevators” deals with being bigger than the issues in your every day life, as we all can elevate above them. My songs all follow certain core themes, but are their own independent rabbit holes of ideas and concepts.
How are you unique from other artists?
Everything I make comes from my own mind,experiences, and understanding of the world around me. Many people in the world may agree, disagree, or think differently than I, but I am the only Miles Green in the world that is like me. I put my experiences and understanding on paper to show that yes these topics and issues may affect me, but they affect many individuals everyday. I am also unique from other artists as I have spent years crafting my sound so I know how exactly I want my whole song planned out before I enter into a studio or recording space. I am also not afraid to try new concepts that break away from mainstream appeal and experiment with my sound both sonically and lyrically.
Do you have any advice to give aspiring artists?
To anyone that appreciates the art of hip-hop/music producing/ and being an artist, I say that the road is long and treacherous. There have been many days where I wanted to quit and felt less than myself, but I kept pushing through. Tenacity and belief are strong attributes that can take you anywhere in life. My piece of advice for an aspiring artist is to never give up and know that every moment in the beginning is another moment to be reflected on in the future. Also strive to be as genuine and translucent as possible. To be an artist in any art form, a person has to be able to identify many crucial things about themselves sometimes presenting the biggest hurdle for many beginners.