Behind the Vision: Interview with Mexican-American Artist Anthony Sims aka "Asimsart"
By Anela Tayan
Anthony Sims a.k.a. “Asimsart” is a Mexican-American fine artist from North Mississippi. He creates mindlessly, heart-felt pieces that provide viewers with a chaotic energy. Although being a successful artist is a challenging profession, Anthony shows how patience and persistence can transform your life.
“Still Here” by Anthony Sims
Introduce yourself
My name is Anthony Sims and I am often referred to as Asimsart because of my social media handles. I am a Mexican-American fine artist from North Mississippi. Although, I began a more official art career in Memphis, TN. After about a year and half in Memphis I moved out to Dallas, TX, where I currently live.
How would you describe your art?
“Melted” by Anthony Sims
My art is created through the act Wu Wei. Essentially what I mean by that is that I do not try or really think about it. I only interfere with my art and it’s creation to balance the colors. I typically paint characters and mainly use primary colors. My art has been described as brutal, chaotic, and energetic.
When did you begin your creative journey? Do you have an educational background?
I have been a creator the majority of my life. When I was much younger I wanted to become an inventor! While in college I began to draw and paint in my dorm room. My friend Noah Womack aka Braincrumbs was a huge inspiration during this time period and got me into the Memphis art scene. In the Memphis art scene, I quickly found my way because my friends Johnathan Cooper and Kea Woods. I got in a few street shows, gallery shows, and magazines in the city. In 2019, I graduated from my community college with an Associates degree in Electrical Engineering.
“Plastic Bag” by Anthony Sims
What have you been up to since you graduated in 2019?
In July of 2019, I took a trip to New York, where I met Diana Vachier and Dana Blum. After the trip to NYC I moved to Dallas. In October of 2019, Diana and Dana inducted me into Steve Kaufman’s “American Pop Art Collective.” Steve Kaufman was nicknamed “SAK” by Andy Warhol in the 1980’s and assisted Warhol in the Factory. In March of 2020, I got two of my works accepted into the Meridian Museum of Art’s permanent collection. When I was able to travel there in June I got to meet Kate Cherry, the executive director of the museum, to have my art pieces officially placed in the MMA. Due to COVID19, a lot of my shows were put on pause or canceled but I am hopeful that I will be able to display my work at The Other Art Fair in Dallas, TX.
“Artifact” by Anthony Sims
What are your greatest influences? (People, places, things that create an impact on your vision.)
Without a doubt some of my greatest influences are my immediate friends. My inspirations as far as music goes would be B.o.B, Russ, Jay Z, and many others. My favorite visual artists are @ModSun, @Littold, @Jazzblues, and Picasso.
Photo of Anthony Sims
What’s your motto? (Leave a piece of advice or words of affirmation. We love to promote positivity and encourage others!)
I went from sleeping on a friends couch to living in my own house and being in a Museum in under a year. Patience and persistence will get you very far in life if you let them.