High School Was a While Ago - A Nostalgic Playlist



High School was awhile ago now. I graduated college less than six months ago, and the time that has passed is starting to sink in. Times have changed and it is time for me to bloom as an individual and artist.

Because of a horrible experience with my apartment complex in Flagstaff that made me sick for months, I had to move back down to the valley abruptly. However, I feel as if all of this may be happening for a reason. In ways, it feels like my dream is manifesting itself by forcing me to move down to a more populated area.

White image of a Tree House over a blue pink purple back ground water splash

Walk the Moon’s Self Titled Album Cover

Being back here has me reminiscing of my adolescence, before I left to Flagstaff. When thinking back, I constantly hear the music I listened to in high school. Because of the nostalgic vibes I have been feeling, I created a playlist and wanted to share because it takes me to a beautiful time in my life before I had to face the responsibilities of adulthood. This playlist is full of some of my favorite indie, alternative, and pop-rock tracks, and I hope you all enjoy; I know I do.

Toward the end of my high school career, I was inspired by artist Lorde for the first time, and constantly listening to Hozier’s album in my last semester of high school. At one point, I remember listening to Walk the Moon’s track “Anna Sun” and running through the sprinklers with my friends thinking it was the last time I was going to be a kid. While it makes me a little sad knowing so much time has passed, I am forever grateful that the music I bumped at that age will always bring be back to this carefree moment in time.


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